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Nikos Lanser

Born to a Dutch father and a Greek mother in Rotterdam, Nikos Lanser was always interested in anything Greek. He studied and received a degree in ancient Greek history at Leiden University before working in broadcasting, and taught Greek from his early student years onwards. For a decade he did PR work and business consultancy, before he moved to Athens, Greece, where he obtained a degree at the National Guides School in 2002. Since then he has been working as a professional guide throughout the country. At the same time he is a correspondent for Dutch media, reporting on economic, social and political topics. Nikos is married and has two daughters. His love for Greece is contagious and he will make the country and its history come alive.


AITO Tour Operator of the Year 2015 Gold Award AITO Tour Operator of the Year 2017 Gold Award AITO Tour Operator of the Year 2018 Silver Award AITO Tour Operator of the Year 2019 Silver Award Best Travel Company for Arts and Culture Holidays Silver British Travel Award 2022 Member of AITO The Specialist Travel Association Member of ABTA the Association of British Travel Agents Member of ASTA The American Society of Travel Advisors Member of ABTOI the Association of British Travel Organisers to Italy

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